Good Bye What’s Up. Hello Swissperience! – Info Update – June 2024

What’s Up, originally called English Speaking Family and Friends in Canton Bern, was founded by Serena Adair Boder to be a social group network based in Switzerland, helping English speakers connect with one another and engage in in-person social meetups and events.

Over the years, together with her husband, Emanuel Adair Boder, the network grew quickly and became one of the biggest social communities for English speakers in Switzerland, especially Bern.

This growth was undoubtedly thanks to our simple, people-first Mission Statement (see below).

However, we regrettably allowed our network to be administrated by those who did not support our mission statement and who commercialized our members to promote products and services for 3rd parties. Sadly, we were unable to resolve this situation in private, and eventually lost control of the heart of the network on Facebook, which we had cared for and maintained for nearly 10 years.

We are devastated at this result, as the group which we were so proud to have created and be a part of is now something we wish not to be associated with and is in the hands of administration which takes advantage of good people for profit.

We will likely not see a just outcome but will nevertheless continue to do our best. We have revived our original mission in our new network, Swissperience, and will use what we have learned to keep this network non-profit and focused on meaningful in-person social engagement for English speakers throughout Switzerland.

We hope to meet you there!

Mission Statement (Archived History)

The purpose of What’s Up Switzerland is first and foremost to facilitate social interaction and networking.

Our primary presence is currently on What’s Up Facebook Groups which we create and administer in numerous cities across Switzerland. Additionally we are present on WhatsApp and Telegram.

What’s Up Switzerland is non-profit and all of it’s staff are volunteers who receive no financial compensation for their efforts.


What’s Up Switzerland is currently partnered with, which was founded, and is run by, Bruce Anderson.

Organization (Archived History)

What’s Up Founders:

  • Serena Adair Boder
  • Emanuel Adair Boder
  • Brendan Hoy
  • Bruce Anderson

What’s Up Facebook Group Admins;

  • Moudry Starec (What’s Up Basel)
  • Sam Sala-Mansour (What’s Up Basel)
  • Chris Darwa (What’s Up Zurich)
  • Joseph Lavy (What’s Up Lausanne)
  • Serena Adair Boder (What’s Up Bern)
  • Emanuel Adair Boder (What’s Up Bern)
  • Bruce Anderson (What’s Up Bern)

What’s Up Facebook Group Ambassadors:

  • Anand David (What’s Up Bern)

What’s Up Facebook Groups

  • What’s Up Switzerland (WUS) 2.7k
  • What’s Up Bern (WUB) 5k
  • What’s Up Basel (WUBA) 2.4k
  • What’s Up Zurich (WUZ) 400
  • What’s Up Lausanne (WUL) 82
  • What’s Up Lucerne (WULU)
  • What’s Up Geneva (WUG) 25
  • What’s Up St. Gallen (WUSG) 15

WhatsApp Groups

  • What’s Up Bern -> Info / Chat
  • What’s Up Basel -> Chat
  • What’s Up Zurich -> Chat

Telegram Groups

  • What’s Up Bern -> Info / Chat